Nov. 16, 2016

Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
Telephone: (202) 326-2222

Advertisers in the United States have had billions of dollars squandered by the lies, misrepresentations, falsehoods and manipulations in the collusion between Google, Facebook and Twitter to rig the false impression of advertising value.

Using fake users called “Bots”, falsified “impressions reports:, rigged metrics and forensically confirmed lies in their marketing, these three companies deluded customers and users in violation of ethics and laws.

Facebook is a dead, and or dying, irrelevant platform which was converted to a political manipulation tool for Silicon Valley billionaires. As the public rejected Facebook in a massive departure of users, Facebook turned to criminality in order to survive.

This is a disservice to it’s customers, to American users and to the U.S. Treasury , who has provided Facebook with billions of dollars derived from those taxpayers.

Reporter Samantha Masunaga published the following factual report:

“Facebook Inc. said it has found several “errors” in calculating how many people view content on Pages, the profiles with features tailored for businesses and well-known personalities.

The Menlo Park social media giant said Wednesday that the seven-day and 28-day summary number over-counted how many times a page was viewed.

Instead of showing how many unique visitors were looking at the page, the number showed a sum of all views, including repeat visitors. Facebook said the “vast majority” of metrics shown by its Page Insights were not affected by this error. 

The bug has been live since May and will be fixed in the coming weeks, the company said in a statement

Facebook bans fake news from its advertising network — but not its News Feed

Once fixed, the seven-day summary number will be about 33% lower, and the 28-day number will be about 55% lower, Facebook said.

The company also said it had under-counted metrics for videos that were viewed to completion.

Facebook said videos uploaded by advertisers are sometimes a fraction of a second shorter, which means audio and video lengths sometimes don’t match up. That caused the company to under-count how many videos were watched until the end.

Facebook said that it is addressing the issue, and that the count of videos viewed to completion could increase by 35%.

In September, Facebook apologized for a discrepancy in a metric that overstated the average time people spent watching a video.”

Other news headlines include:





Tens of thousands of news articles verify these illicit deeds, ie:

Facebook exaggerating view count didn't affect advertiser bills ...

Facebook exaggerated a key metric advertisers use to assess the performance of their videos on the platform by potentially as much as 80% for ...

cached proxied[...]t-didnt-affect-advertiser-bills-2016-9

Facebook Misrepresented Video Views to Advertisers for 2 Years ...

Facebook lied to advertisers about how much video you watch ... For at least the past two years, Facebook has been touting some really stellar ...

cached proxied

Facebook Lies About Advertising Metrics (NASDAQ:FB) | Benzinga

Sep 23, 2016 ... Major advertisers and marketers are "upset" with Facebook Inc (NASDAQ: FB) after the social media company disclosed it vastly overestimated ...

google cached proxied[...]cs-upsetting-advertisers-and-marketers

Truth, Lies amp Facebook Advertising - Forbes

PALO ALTO, CA - AUGUST 18: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (R) greets Facebook employees before a news conference at ...

cached proxied[...]05/14/truth-lies-facebook-advertising/

Facebook has been lying about some VERY important statistics ...

SOCIAL network has been exaggerating its video views for several years, leading to skewed figures and increased Facebook advertising ...

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The FTC must punish Facebook and regulate Facebook for these lies and abuses. Facebook only “discovers errors” when it is caught. An FBI raid on Facebook will discover much more.

Thank you.

The National Advertising Alliance

ADDENDA: Warning to the buyers of Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Facebook!!!

You are buying a grave-yard with nobody in it and most of the world absolutely hates those brands!

Most of the people on those sites are fake computer generated puppet-bots created to trick advertisers into paying big invoices. There is, literally, nobody worth marketing left on Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Facebook. Only the most stupid and ill-informed people still use them and they can be pulled away from them with a single Tweet telling them how dumb they are.

So the “nobody is home” fake users issue is big. Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Facebook will lie their heads off to try to hang onto their stock value. They will say that the users are really real but you are a sucker if you bite that apple after seeing all of the recent reports on the ghosts of Google.

The next part is the sucker play that will hurt the longest and the hardest.

While everybody on University Avenue in Palo Alto, California thinks that the era is alive and leaping into the heavens in unstoppable glory, the reality is that Silicon Valley is a bubble of delusion. Everybody outside of Silicon Valley thinks that Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Facebook suck. The real world sees them as media manipulation tools who spy on the public for the NSA.

The real world hates those companies.

83 million Facebook accounts are fakes and dupes

By Heather Kelly, CNN

Facebook profiles for non-humans, such as companies or pets, violate the social network's terms of service.

Story highlights

In an updated regulatory filing released Wednesday, the social media company said that 8.7 percent of its 955 million monthly active users worldwide are actually duplicate or false accounts.

"On Facebook we have a really large commitment in general to finding and disabling false accounts," Facebook's chief security officer Joe Sullivan told CNN in a recent interview. "Our entire platform is based on people using their real identities."

Facebook inspires status envy

So what are those 83 million undesired accounts doing? They're a mixture of innocent and malicious, and Facebook has divvied them up into three categories: duplicate accounts, misclassified accounts and "undesirable" accounts.

How $4 cows make Facebook millions 02:18

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Duplicate accounts make up 4.8% (45.8 million) of Facebook's total active member tally. According to the network's terms of service, users are not allowed to have more than one Facebook personal account or make accounts on behalf of other people. Parents creating Facebook accounts for their young kids are violating two rules, since people under 13 are not allowed to have Facebook profiles.

Misclassified accounts are personal profiles that have been made for companies, groups or pets. Those types of profiles (22.9 million) are allowed on Facebook, but they need to be created as Pages. Facebook estimates that 2.4% of its active accounts are these non-human personal accounts. These accounts can be converted into approved pages without losing information. Pets such as Boo, the self-anointed "world's cutest dog," are typically classified as Public Figures.

The third group is the smallest -- just 1.5% of all active accounts -- but most troublesome. There are 14.3 million undesirable accounts that Facebook believes have been created specifically for purposes that violate the companies terms, like spamming.

Face it, Facebook: Sometimes you suck

"We believe the percentage of accounts that are duplicate or false is meaningfully lower in developed markets such as the United States or Australia and higher in developing markets such as Indonesia and Turkey," the company said in the filing. The tallies were based on an internal sampling of accounts done by reviewers, and Facebook says the numbers may represent the actual number.

Facebook disables any false accounts it finds, and while it wipes all the information associated with the name from public view, it doesn't delete the account from its servers "for safety and security" reasons. The disabled account goes into a sort of Facebook limbo, where the owner of the account can't get their hands on any of the content -- photos, posts, videos -- not even by requesting a copy of the data, according to Facebook.

If Facebook does shut down your account, it says you can't create a new one without permission from the company.

Complete coverage: Facebook